By completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate ability to communicate chemical and biochemical concepts in written and spoken formats.
  2. Analyze and interpret new and/or more intricate information based on fundamental knowledge of chemical systems.
  3. Select, apply, and safely execute laboratory procedures appropriate to the physical measurements and system.
  4. Appraise and describe biological phenomena in chemical terms.
  5. Analyze energetics and catalytic processes in a quantitative manner.






By completing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Chemistry, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate ability to communicate chemical and biochemical concepts in written and spoken formats.
  2. Demonstrate broad literacy in the physical sciences.
  3. Select, apply, and safely execute laboratory procedures appropriate to the physical measurements and system.
  4. Describe chemical concepts in an interdisciplinary or liberal arts setting.
  5. Relate macroscopic properties to chemical structure.






By completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate ability to communicate chemical and biochemical concepts in written and spoken formats.
  2. Analyze and interpret new and/or more intricate information based on fundamental knowledge of chemical systems.
  3. Select, apply, and safely execute laboratory procedures appropriate to the physical measurements and system.
  4. Quantitatively model and/or characterize static and dynamic chemical systems.
  5. Relate macroscopic properties to chemical structure.