The competent teacher candidate demonstrates the knowledge, skills and dispositions that:

  1. Confirm a commitment to diversity.
  2. Verify s/he is knowledgeable about the learner and the learning process.
  3. Verify s/he knows his/her specific content area and the relevant pedagogical tools for teaching and assessing it.
  4. Indicate s/he practices reflective thinking.
  5. Enable him/her to act as a facilitator of learning.
  6. Are indicative of a professional educator.






Students in the neuroscience major will:

  1. Illustrate critical thinking skills and apply these skills when both conducting and evaluating research within the field.
  2. Understand how neural mechanisms impact behavior and evidence the interdisciplinary nature of neuroscience in their work.
  3. Apply the ethical practice of scientific inquiry within the field of neuroscience through conducting, analyzing, and evaluating such research.
  4. Use effective communication skills within the discourse of the discipline.
  5. Demonstrate preparation for entry into the workplace or advanced study.






Upon successful completion of the program, Psychology graduates will be able to:

  1. Apply critical thinking skills when both conducting and evaluating research within the field.
  2. Apply knowledge of the major theories and concepts in the field of psychology to human behavior.
  3. Apply the ethical practice of scientific inquiry within the field of psychology through conducting, analyzing, and evaluating research.
  4. Use effective communication skills within the discourse of the discipline.
  5. Demonstrate preparedness for entry into the workplace or advanced study.